Scoil Charman

Sep 11, 20181 min

Parenting Under Pressure Course

Parenting Under Pressure Course

Overview This course is aimed at parents of children aged 10-19 years old who find parenting difficult and have tried other avenues but need additional help. Facilitated by:

Dr Vincent Molony— Retired Consultant Psychiatrist Location:

Wexford Mental Health Association

Henrietta Street, Wexford


5 weeks commencing Wednesday 12th September Time:

Wednesdays 2.00-3.30pm

Topics to be covered:

Parents and teenagers/pre-teens who have difficulty communicating with each other or may not be communicating at all. Pre-teens / teens who are finding it difficult to fit into family and school settings

Difficulty with motivation

Cost of Course €130 of which €50 to be paid on first day and €20 per day for remaining 4 days.

Limited spaces available. For further information and bookings please contact 053 914 0610 (9.30am to 1.30pm Monday to Friday) or by email to

WEXFORD Mental Health Association
