Inservice Days
The staff have attended inservice on the New Child Protection Procedures . The Board of Management are in the process of compiling a Risk assessment. A Child Safeguarding Statement will be ratified before the end of the month and will be available to Parents and Staff.
New lock on the front door
After much research and discussion on the feasibility of making the front door access to the school safer and more secure the Board of Management decided to install a new lock system on the main door. There will be no access to the building unless the door is unlocked by persons in the office. Staff members have a fob to gain entrance. The lock is automatically released at school opening and closing times.
New Website
Many thanks to Paul Flannagan father of Saoirse and Alannah who helped us with the design and construction of our new website. Teachers and children hope to populate it with news and photographs over the next few months. We hope that the site will be more accessible for parents.
Rith Spraoi
The preparatory work for the Rith Spraoi begins . Any parents interested in getting involved are more than welcome to attend our meeting , just let Caroline in the office know.
Pancake Day
Thanks to the parents who cooked pancakes on Lá na bPancóga and Rang a 6 who helped on the day. € 210 was raised Crumlin Hospital.
Dátaí Tábhachtacha
Márta 13ú First Confession at 7pm
Márta 16ú Lá Glas. Children can wear green to school
Márta 19ú Bank Holiday
Márta 22ú Confirmation - All classes finsh at 12:00
Márta 23ú Easter Holidays - All classes finish at 12:00
Aibreán 9ú Return after Easter holidays
Aibreán 10ú “ Cycle Right Programme” Rang a 6