We held an Art Competition, where children were invited to design and illustrate a poster, in order to promote our Rás 5k. It was open to all children from Rang 1 to Rang 6. A wealth of beautiful designs were entered by all classes and we shortlisted the posters of the following children:
Stella, Cara, Jack R.agus Aoibhinn (Rang 1);
Bróna, Pilib agus Lucy (Rang 2);
Hollie agus Aoibheann (Rang 3);
Isobel, Páidí agus Aoibhinn (Rang 4);
Cadhla, Faye agus Mia (Rang 5) agus
Holly agus Roibeárd (Rang 6).
The standard was extremely high across the board. Each poster was worthy of high praise. and after much thought and discussion, it was decided that there should be joint winners.
and the Winners were....................
Cadhla Ní Chuirc (R5) agus Holly Ní Bhroin (R6).
Bhí dearadh breá, geal, tarraingteach, soiléir ag an mbeirt acu.
Sár-obair a chailíní!!